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The video's from one of our most popular reports ever, The Merchants of Cool, which, in part, looked at media corporations' marketing of sex to teens in order to hook the youth consumer. Remember those eye-grabbing sex scenes that first surfaced in the 1990s on cable channels like MTV and the WB Network They launched a seemingly 24-hour sex cycle of movies and shows like \"Cruel Intentions,\" \"Dawson's Creek\" and \"Beverly Hills 90210.\"
Watching this makes me ill. There is enough blame to go around. Doesn't anybody care. Are parents so wrapped up in themselves Is television so desperate for money and ratings Deep down I know the answer is yes, but I am so repulsed by that fact. Yes, kids will engage in sex, but distributing soft-core porn disguised as entertainment, disguised as information is truely repugnant. The children in those clips behaved as though they were making a pornographic teaser. No thirteen year old boy or girl should be behaving this way. It was also clear they were to young to understand the implications of their actions. Where are all the parents
However, I also kept a case of condoms in the home for their use, made sure my daughter was under the care of a gynecologist (she was allowed to make appointments on-demand without having to discuss her reasons if she did not wish to), was vaccinated with Gardisil, and allowed for OPEN discussions about sex without judgment from my husband and I. As parents, we knew that sex would happen before marriage and made sure our teens knew all the reasons why not to have sex but also how to act responsibly when the time came.I saw way too many parents with teens hand over cars, with gas and insurance, not know where they went and with whom, and actually held parties complete with alcohol and weed! (They would get it anyway!) These are the clueless teens who are ill equipped to handle total freedom when they need rules, boundaries, and limitations on behavior and then experience the consequences unacceptable behavior the most! It was the easy way out for these parents because our way was the hardest way - raising teens is the worst because of the battle of wills it brings. Parents have to go the distance especially when teens are nasty, irrational, impatient, yell, scream, are sleep deprived, and beg for freedom. Parents have the tools to overcome the \"media\" but don't exercise control measures because it's HARD WORK to do so.
I do believe that if parents and society hold teens to higher standards, they will perform at those high standards. It is to easy to say that teens will be teens and will engage in sex because of thier developmental state. It is much more difficult to educate those same teens about sexuality, its consequences and its true \"sacred\" purpose (to strengthen a sincere relationship). Think about it. YOur body is your most intimate and sacred possession. Do you really want to freely share it What about the psychological and sometimes physical consequences (there are other physical consequences besides pregnancy and STDs) for female teens who are sexual Why is there such a great need for Gardisil There wasn't a need before. Why are female teens so insecure and struggling with their images instead of the smartness I have girls pretend to be dumb, so the guy they like is not intimdated.
Despite the strong natural urge to rebel in my teenage years I find myself coming back to their philosophy because in the end it is based on LOVE and RESPECT and HONESTY. I have failed to make good decisions plenty of times, but I am proud to say that I have been confronted with drugs (many varieties), alcohol, and sex and have not given way to what I felt like doing with those temptations, not once. Perhaps I have had too much freedom in other areas, but these have stayed strong. My parents aren't perfect, but they'd never assume so either.
If you read \"Cosmopolitan\" over your morning coffee, it is not unreasonable to expect your daughter to read \"CosmoGirl\". If you hang on every scandal committed by Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian (am I the only one left who remembers that she used to be a porno star instead of a cultural icon), then your daughter will look up to these women as role models. If you have X-rated DVDs at home, or even copies of \"Henry & June\" or \"9 1/2 Weeks\", the kids will find them and get curious. It is unrealistic to think that bad taste can be acceptable for adults but not teenagers. Adults should hold themselves to higher standards.
I as a teen of today do not talk about sex and violence on a regular basis, like this documentary states, it seems like the adults who made this movie make teens out to be a different type of species. The adults also talk about teen like they have never been one themselves. If so the topics are being discussed you as adults cannot tell us what to talk about and what to think about. I also think its better to talk about sex more openly so we can know how the act affects us at such a \"young\" age and what our parents views were when they were teens. As I conclude my thoughts teens should not be talked about and analyzed, but WE should be talked with about our so called culture. REMEMBER ADULTS you were also teens once as well.
Which overall i beleive teenagers know right from wrong and should practice the thought of not being easily influenced. Maturity is the main factor in this generation of people. My favorite movie is the hangover and i like late night television, but i'm not going to rip my shirt off to every guy i see becasue the stars are doing it. i know the difference between a show that was created with careful thought out dialogue and reality.
I'm not defending the media but there wouldn't be shows, videos or movies about this, if it wasn't already happening. I'm 37 years old, and I remember how much sex and the beginning of sexual desire and activity was rampant through out middle school years. But too often because a stupid hip hop bump and grind dance has turned a teeny bopper dance into a strip club, we think all these kids are having sex. ITs not fair to the kids to assume that, and its up to parents to maybe try and expose their kids to more than the horrible crap MTV calls music these days, and get their interest into other forms of music, arts, books, sports, and so on. 59ce067264